Thursday, April 29, 2010

in skateboarding whats's extreme for you might not be extreme to the next person. and what's extreme to that person might be tame to you. you see, ''extreme'' is relative. its something different for everybody.

skateboarding qualifies, as an extreme sport, back then if you owned a skateboard, you were pretty extreme. you were extreme because you were different. today is not simple millions of people skateboard. to be extreme today is you need to do the biggest ollies and the wildest trick, and do them in style. that's extreme.

today we have x Games, a sort of miniature Olympics for extreme sports, back then was hard to be a extreme superstar but now because of the extreme games a lot of new artist come around and do all kinds of tricks which are dangerous, now we have bike, climbing wall, snowboarding, etc, many people do this kind of thins to outlet there self our loud and wild inside of us, because most of us follow rules from school and work. some sports are too extreme and some are less, over all skateboarding has no boundaries. with practice you can take it to the extreme.


4/29/10 the activity that we had in our group was to read our books, but since i don't have a book i couldn't do it. we didn't have too much time to work on our project we just did individual work. some worked on the project Omar and other kids in our group. while me i was doing my class work and trying to get a blog. our graffiti website is almost done . all we need is some picture and the information about what parts of graffitie and skattingboarding each one of is doing. and i think our website would be done once we do all that, im doing it the history of both the.